
It is now recommended for new users to use the latest beta release of MailMate instead of the public release. Here is a direct link (release notes). The beta requires macOS 10.12+.

The more than 4 year old public release should now mainly be used by existing users still on macOS 10.10-10.15: MailMate 1.13.2 (r5673) (release notes)

Note that the download also works as a 14 day trial version of MailMate. Go to the pricing page or the “MailMate ▸ Registration” menu within MailMate if you decide to support future MailMate development.

Test Releases

Holding down ⌥ (alt/option) when clicking “Check Now” in the Software Update preferences pane within MailMate allows you to fetch cutting edge test releases (release notes). These releases can be VERY unstable since they often contain completely untested features/changes. Most users should not use them unless explicitly told to do so, e.g., to test a bug fix or a new feature. That said, if you do use them then feedback is always welcome (using “Help ▸ Send Feedback” within MailMate).

Older Unsupported Releases

MailMate for macOS 10.10/10.11: MailMate 1.13.2 (r5673)

MailMate for macOS 10.8/10.9: MailMate 1.12.5 (r5634)

MailMate for macOS 10.7: MailMate 1.9.6 (r5318)

MailMate for macOS 10.6: MailMate 1.7.2 (r4587)

MailMate for macOS 10.5: MailMate 1.4.2 (r2818)